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Deluxe Package Single Room - 10 nights

This pass has everything you would want in a two city combination trip. It starts with 7 nights of dancing with pool and beach parties, workshops, stunning trips and amazing...

Original price was: €2,185.00.Current price is: €2,110.00.

Deluxe Pass Double Room - 10 nights (price for 2 people)

This pass is for two people. This pass has everything you would want in a two city combination trip. It starts with 7 nights of dancing with pool and beach...

Original price was: €3,534.00.Current price is: €3,400.00.

Prices for Additional NightsPrices for Additional Nights and Upgrades and Upgrades

Makadi Bay Hotel - Single Room

Includes a single luxury room for one nights. Please right dates of check in and out in order. Refund Policy Unfortunately, for Full pass no refunds are possible but you...


Makadi Bay Hotel - Double Room

Includes a Double luxury room for one nights. Please right dates of check in and out in order. Refund Policy Unfortunately, for Full pass no refunds are possible but you...
